Dhammakaya Meditation
All in-person classes are temporary closed.
We will reopen in March 2025.

Guided Meditation
Meditation for Beginner
This is Dhammakaya Meditation. It is one of the oldest, yet simplest methods for improving physical and spiritual well-being. Practitioners have been using this technique for over 2,500 years. With consistency, every practitioner can experience inner peace from within. You can try it right now by following these steps.
1. Prepare Yourself
You can easily start by checking your physical well-being to assess whether you are sleepy or tired. If so, you should refresh your body by drinking some water, washing your face, or even taking a shower. You can also do some stretching or short yoga exercises. Doing the above activities will help you prepare for the next steps.
2. Find Your Private Zone
You should find a quiet place with little distraction. It is important to avoid disturbance from people talking, driving cars, etc. A clean place with fresh air would be suggested as a perfect place.
3. Choose Your Sitting Posture
You can sit on a chair or sit cross-legged on the floor. With both palms up, the tip of your right index finger should gently touch the tip of your left thumb and naturally place both hands on your lap. Whatever sitting position you choose, certainly make sure you are comfortable and can stay in that position as long as you like.
4. Close Your Eyes
Allow your eyes to gently and naturally close as if you were falling asleep. Don’t squeeze or force close your eyes.
5. Relax Your Body
Release stress from every muscle in your body. You can use a body scan to help every part of you relax. Start by loosening and relaxing every muscle from your head to your toes. You may feel the flow of relaxation slowly circulate through your entire body.
6. Adjust Your Mind
Take a long, soft, and deep breath. With each breath in, feel that you are filling your body with fresh air and positive feelings. With each breath out, release all your negative feelings and let go of all your thoughts and worries no matter whether they are related to your work, family, friends, etc. Repeat the breathing a few times then you may breathe normally.
7. Center Your Mind
When your body is most relaxed, softly and gently place your mind at the suggested and standard location at the Center of the Body. This is found in the middle of the abdomen, two fingers width above the navel. If you prefer, you can place your mind within or outside your body where you feel comfortable. You can use either one or both following techniques to help you center your mind and prevent it from wandering.
Imagine a Meditation Object while softly and gently placing your mind at the Center of the Body or in a comfortable location. The mediation object can be any simple object that you like such as the sun, the moon, or a crystal ball, etc. Should the object change or refuse to remain still, do not try to force it with your will. Relax, let it go, and start over.
Repeating a mantra may also help you concentrate your mind especially when it wanders. The repeating phrase can simply be "Relax", "Clear and Bright" or "Sam-Ma-Ar-Ra-Hang" which means “Perfectly Pure”. “Sam-Ma-Ar-Ra-Hang", a standard phrase, comes from the ancient language called Pali. You can repeat your preferred mantra in your mind as if the sound naturally and softly comes from the Center of the Body or the center of your meditation object.
8. Continue Your Meditation
From now on, nurture and prolong your awareness and relaxing feelings with you. Whenever you lose your awareness or have a wandering mind, start over to the point that you feel aware and relaxed. Then gently hold that feeling with you until you feel that it is the time to open your eyes and end your session.
Guided Meditation Voice
Meditation for Beginners
By Robert Mawson
Meditation Instructor
Guided Meditation Voice
Center of the Body
By Dr Venerable Nicholas Thanissaro
Buddhist Monk & Instructor
Deep Meditation Mantra (Samma Arahang) + Relaxing music to Calm your mind and relief Stress.
By Laung Por Dhammajayo
Guided Meditation Voice
Seven Bases of Mind
By Dr Venerable Nicholas Thanissaro
Buddhist Monk & Instructor